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Educational Videos

Dr. Herman Bagga and Cancer Support Community speak on Men’s Pelvic Floor

Did you know pelvic floor muscles help men control their bladder, bowel, and relate to their sexual health? Attend this live virtual program to hear a review of male pelvic floor disorders and their symptoms. Dr. Bagga will provide the science of how your pelvic floor may become dysfunctional, due to cancer treatment and other causes, while Kesha Lawson, DPT, Cert DN, PRPC shares the benefits and strategies rehab can provide.

Physician Webinars

To continue our promise to provide high quality care to our patients, we offer a continuous developing library of informative webinars that will help our patients understand conditions and how they can be treated.

Erectile Dysfunction webinar with Atlanta Urologist Dr. Herman Bagga

Advanced Urology's Dr. Herman Bagga and Coloplast discuss Erectile Dysfunction. Causes, symptoms, and treatments are discussed in detail.

Kidney Stone Treatments by Urologist Dr. Greenstein

A great webinar if you suffer from Kidney Stones. Hosted by a Urologist in Sandy Springs, GA.

Advanced Urology and Coloplast discuss Erectile Dysfunction and Treatments

Dr. Marc Greenstein of Advanced Urology and Coloplast discuss treatment options for Erectile Dysfunction. Don't let the bed make you feel down, Advanced Urology has options that will get you in the mood and rise up to the occassion!

Urologist Dr. Neal Patel discusses Regaining Control of your Bladder

Dr. Neal Patel, a urologist and robotic surgery specialist who focuses on voiding dysfunction, including overactive bladder, urinary retention, and fecal incontinence.

Dr. Herman Bagga discusses options for Urinary Stress Incontinence

Men’s Health provider Dr. Herman Bagga with Advanced Urology teams up with Boston Scientific to discuss signs, symptoms and treatment options for Stress Urinary Incontinence.

Dr. Jason Lomboy and Dr. Jackie Crowell discuss recurrent UTI's on Instagram Live

Recurrent UTI: How to Deal. Dr. Jason Lomboy with Advanced Urology answers all Dr. Jackie Crowell's questions about urinary tract infections. The struggle is real and we’re here to help.

Urology and Sex Therapy Providers discuss ED & men's health and how it relates to sex therapy

Dr. Herman Bagga with Advanced Urology and Dr. Aaron Kimble & Chris DeVinney with Wholeheart Psychotherapy presented Love and Erections the day after Valentine's Day where they discussed erectile dysfunction and men's health and how it relates to sex therapy.

Dr. Andy Ostrowski talks about Overactive Bladder

Dr. Andy Ostrowski from Advanced Urology teams up with Medtronic to discuss symptoms and treatments for Overactive Bladder

DocTalk: Primary Care Physician & Urologist Discuss Prostate Cancer

Did you know that early prostate cancer typically presents no symptoms? That's why it is important for patients and physicians to educate themselves about the condition. Join Advanced Urology's Dr. Farber and Piedmont Internal Medicine's Dr. Cutler as they discuss their dual approach to diagnosing and treating prostate cancer.

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If you want to see more of our educational content, please visit our YouTube channel.