3D MRI Fusion Guided Ultrasound Prostate Biopsy for Elevated PSA

By Dr. Casey McCullough, Advanced Urology
Updated 9:26 AM ET, Mon Jan 20, 2020
Foremost among patients with elevated PSA needing a prostate biopsy is ExactVu micro-ultrasound technology. ExactVu micro-ultrasound is a revolution in ultrasound technology, operating at 20MHz thus having a 300% improvement in image quality over traditional ultrasound technologies. The ExactVuTM micro-ultra-sound technology offers unmatched real-time image resolution to visualize suspicious areas as well as target biopsy sites in real-time by fusing a patient’s prostate MRI images along with the patient’s micro-ultrasound images. You may have even searched, “Prostate Biopsy near me.” Call us today to learn more about treatment options for an elevated PSA including 3D Micro-ultrasound Fusion prostate biopsy at 404-341-5219.
What is ExactVuTM Micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy?
ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy is a minor procedure that involves placing a small ultrasound probe in the rectum. The small device uses the latest in ultrasound technology (29MHz) to provide incredible ultrasound images which are 300% more precise than any other standard ultrasound technology on the market today. A member of our expert Urology team then can use those images to determine if any suspicious areas are present needing a biopsy. The procedure is very quick and can be performed either in our state-of-the-art surgery centers or in the office.

Who Qualifies for ExactVu MRI Fusion Biopsy Ultrasound?
Patients who suffer from the following conditions or symptoms can undergo ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound:
- Elevated PSA – The urologist can use the high definition ultrasound technology to pinpoint abnormal areas in the prostate gland and perform an ultrasound guided 3D Mri Fusion Biopsy.
- Pelvic pain/prostate pain – The ultrasound can determine prostate size and other locate other signs of possible infection using its advanced imaging software.
Higher Precision and Accuracy over standard prostate biopsy
Outpatient, local or general anesthesia
Fast Recovery
Doesn’t affect sexual performance or enjoyment
Prostate Biopsy in Atlanta: What are the Side Effects of ExactVuTM Micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy?
The side effects of prostate biopsy are infrequent, but those commonly seen include:
- painless bleeding either from the urethra or rectum, which is temporary
- Infection / sepsis (<1%)
- Mild discomfort post procedure
- Rarely, urinary retention – sometimes men have difficulty voiding shortly after the procedure.
The Effectiveness of ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound Prostate Biopsy
The ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound technology is state-of-the-art in terms of prostate gland imaging and Advanced Urology is only urologic practice in the entire State of Georgia which not only has this amazing technology but also the expert Urologists trained specifically to use it.
Having an elevated PSA is difficult to discuss, especially with family, friends and even your doctor. Prostate cancer affects one out of six men in the United States and is a fairly common and controllable disease. ExactVuTM prostate ultrasound helps to diagnose possible prostate cancer with superior image quality to any other ultrasound technology on the market.
The Urologists at Advanced Urology use this great technology to better diagnose prostate cancer and to define the prostate anatomy.
How effective is the ExactVuTM Micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy?
The ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy is extremely effective in identifying and targeting possible abnormalities within the prostate gland which may require a prostate biopsy. An MRI of the patient’s prostate can be pre-loaded into the system to allow even improved prostate imaging by fusing together the real-time ultrasound images with those of the MRI providing an absolute state-of-the-art prostate image.
ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy is the most effective ultrasound platform on the market today to help men with an elevated PSA best detect potential prostate cancer. A patient’s previous prostate MRI can be loaded into the ExactVuTM system to allow real-time monitoring and biopsy control using the high definition micro-ultrasound technology.
It’s a simple effective way to finally help diagnose the cause of a man’s elevated PSA.
Is ExactVuTM Micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy for You?
ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound prostate biopsy is an effective diagnostic tool for an elevated PSA to determine if any clinically significant prostate cancer exists. Usually, a doctor will suggest a prostate biopsy for a persistently elevated, rapidly rising PSA, or abnormal prostate exam. If you’re suffering from an abnormal rectal exam or have an elevated PSA and you’re considering a prostate biopsy, speak to your doctor or Atlanta specialist if it’s the best choice for you.
Keep in good contact with your urologist and nurses for the best results in recovery.
Recovery after ExactVuTM Micro-ultrasound Prostate Biopsy in Atlanta
After the procedure, the patient may experience transient blood in the urine, stool, or ejaculate. This is normal.
The following is recommended during the evaluation period:
- Only engage in light work – The patient may work. However, the work should not be too physical.
- Bathing – Patients are encouraged to bath the next day.
- Avoid sports – The patient should initially avoid participating in sports.
- Avoid sexual intercourse – Patients should avoid having sex during the week following a prostate biopsy.
- Avoid heavy lifting or extreme physical hard work.
- Avoid heavy exercising.
- Drink a lot of fluids, at least 1.5 liters per day.
- Avoid drinks such as tea, coffee, alcohol, and fizzy drinks which upset the bladder.
- Take time off from work.
- Avoid driving for the first 24 hours after the procedure.
Keep current with any follow-up appointments
As time passes and with a doctor’s care, the patient can slowly begin to lead a normal life. The patient will meet with the doctor usually one week after the biopsy to discuss the results.
Cost of 3D MRI Fusion Prostate Biopsy in Atlanta
The ExactVuTM micro-ultrasound MRI 3D fusion prostate biopsy is covered by all insurance companies and costs no more than a standard prostate biopsy.