As we all do our part to fight a global pandemic, the team at Advanced will also continue to do our best to take care of our patients, our staff and our families. Generally, it makes sense to stay home and reduce the risk of transmission, as you have heard from numerous authorities. However, some Urology issues won't wait. For example, kidney stones can lead to pain, dysfunction and, if left untreated, can progress to sepsis - and sepsis is even more risky than COVID-19. Likewise, we are honored to care for patients with cancer diagnoses, who need dependable and urgent access to specialty urologic care. We look after nearly 100,000 patients per year with serious and chronic urologic conditions and they will need continued care during this global crisis.

Not all our locations may be open every day. And, we will always comply with applicable federal, state and local guidelines. Our physicians and clinical team are committed to doing our best to keep locations open around the Atlanta metro to take care of our patients, and your urgent and emergent needs. Hospitals may become too hectic, overloaded and may not offer to accept certain cases during this time of global crisis. Which is why we feel great responsibility to do our best to offer you an easier access, more affordable and high-quality option for your urologic care. You may need to drive to a different location than usual, and you can call us to confirm your appointment and get directions.
As a valued member of the Advanced Urology family, we appreciate the trust you place in us and our people for your healthcare needs. We are keenly focused on our preparedness efforts to maintain a safe environment for our patients and staff and to sustain our clinical operations. Advanced continues to follow all CDC Guidelines regarding COVID - 19 which includes continuing to be vigilant regarding handwashing and environmental cleaning.
As such we have implemented the following:
Advanced Urology Staff:
- We are asking all employees who are sick and exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms (fever of 100.5 or more, shortness of breath, and cough) not to come into work.
- Employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 will be asked to conduct a risk assessment of their potential exposure.
For Advanced Urology Patients:
- A Patient Success Coordinator will be contacting all of our patients ahead of their scheduled appointment to assess their risk level
Patients will be asked to reschedule their appointments to a later date if:
- They have a fever of 100.5, cough, and shortness of breath
- They been in contact with someone with COVID-19
- If they have traveled to a level 3 location as defined by the CDC or been on a cruise ship in the last 3 weeks
We will be placing signs at the front of each of our locations outside door that state:
- "Due to the COVID-19 and flu outbreak, if you have a fever, shortness of breath, and cough, have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 (known as the Coronavirus), or traveled to a Level 3 location/cruise ship, please call 678-647-9567 to reschedule your appointment."
We will be screening ALL patients and visitors when they arrive at any of our locations.
If a patient or employee with symptoms arrives at a location, we will follow the CDC and Health Department Guidelines and coordinate next steps with the Department of Health.
All our staff will be receiving a detailed step by step instructions on how to handle these cases.
We will continue to monitor this fluid situation to ensure there are minimal disruptions in our ability to deliver essential services to all our patients.
Thank you for trusting us with your care. If you have additional questions, please contact one of our Patient Success Coordinators at (678) 647-9567 - we are here to help.
Dr. Jitesh Patel, CEO, Advanced Urology